How to make 64 pieces of content in 1 day

If you've tried to create content for all your social media channels, you know it can VERY time consuming.  You need to select the right photo (or video), do some editing, write the text, and then modify for each social media channel.  Pretty soon you've spent a few hours on a single piece of content - and you've got a hotel to run!

But the leading social media marketers have figured ways to produce LOTS of content VERY quickly.  And if you haven't heard this about the internet - speed matters.  Gary Vaynerchuk might be one of the most prolific content marketers on the web and he just released a 270 page PDF that shows you step-by-step how you can create 64 pieces of content in 1 day!  Amazing!  Not all of this applies to the hotel business, but a lot of it does.  This is excellent advice for anyone struggling to create content, so click the link below to download this document and get started!  Click here to download the PDF


Have a great week!




Weekly tips for driving more hotel revenue!

Reading this for just 5-10 minutes per week might be the best investment you make.