How To Improve Visibility and Distribution of Boutique Hotels

For smaller hotels, getting better placement and visibility can be a major challenge, but if you figure out this problem, the revenue will follow.  In just a few minutes, this video will show you the most important aspects of hotel room distribution. 

On the internet, your hotel literally BECOMES DATA.  We know that many of you have little interest in data or technology, so we have made this easy for non-technical people in hospitality.  Many hotels are making these mistakes today and do not even realize the massive impact it has on their revenue. 

If you are a GM or in charge of Marketing, Reservations or Revenue Management, you are making decisions every day that require at least a basic level of understanding of distribution.  This might be the best 11 minutes you ever invest in your property or your career.




Weekly tips for driving more hotel revenue!

Reading this for just 5-10 minutes per week might be the best investment you make.