How To Price Your Hotel Rooms In The Future To Maximize Revenue


Boutique Hotels are busy and many people wear lots of hats, so this video teaches Revenue Management (and Yield Management) in the simplest way possible.  Learn the fundamentals of pricing rooms properly in the future, based on supply and demand, and learn how to do it efficiently, so you...

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Rate Parity Strategy can improve a boutique hotel's revenue

Most hotels find the issue of rate parity to be a headache, but there are ways to maximize your revenue and minimize frustration with this issue.  Some hotels think that parity is a contractual or policy issue, while others refuse to be intimidated by OTAs and insist on pricing each channel...

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12 ways Yield Management is like Surfing - Plus one big difference

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If you run a small, independent, or boutique hotel, you may be too busy to analyze lots of data to do Yield Management, and you may even find it painful and boring.

You know it's important for your hotel, but maybe you have a hard time wrapping your...

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What does Elasticity have to do with hotel bookings?


Elasticity is an important concept in economics - and also for hotel bookings.  Perhaps you are not the analytical or academic type, or maybe you find economics boring, but this is an important concept to keep in mind when you think about raising rates. 

The simplest definition of Price...

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Weekly tips for driving more hotel revenue!

In just 5-10 minutes per week, this might be the best investment you make.